Thursday, August 27, 2009

The "Pistachio Principle" of Weight Loss

James Painter, PhD, RD, has come up with a new, non-dieting approach to weight loss that he calls the "Pistachio Principle." He says his experiments have shown that people can consume fewer calories without consciously restricting themselves, and yet finish a meal feeling as satisfied and full as does the average American who consumes more calories.

Long-term failure of diets

As justification for the new direction he is taking, he cites the fact that all forms of dieting, including the Pritikin Principle®, the Atkins Diet®, and Weight Watchers®, have yielded poor long-term weight-loss results, and he points to rebound eating in response to feelings of deprivation as one probable reason for their failure.

To address weight issues from another direction, Painter, a professor and chair of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences at Eastern Illinois University, advocates a behavioral and environmental approach that he's developed.

How, you ask, can you have calorie reduction without a feeling of restriction or deprivation?

Why increase those feelings of deprivation?

According to Painter, Americans over the past decades haven't consciously set out to increase the amounts of fat, carbohydrates, or calories they eat--there's no grand plan afoot to gain lots of weight. And so, he questions why we would do an about-face and consciously restrict extra calories, thereby igniting feelings of deprivation.

In one of Painter's behavioral studies, subjects self-selected helpings of either shelled pistachios or those still in their shells. Since pistachios in shells take more effort and time to eat, the actual calories these subjects consumed were 50 percent less than those eaten by the shelled-nut group. And the upshot was, both groups felt equally satisfied with their portions, and equally full.

How you might put the Pistachio Principle to the test:

* Instead of drinking juices, where calories are quickly consumed, eat fresh fruit instead--a whole orange or tangerine, for example, eaten slowly and section-by-section after peeling it, takes longer to consume and has fiber you don't find in the juice.
* If you have a hankering for peanuts, go with shelled vs. unshelled.
* Try cutting up fresh fruits and veggies into much smaller pieces than you normally would and see how slowly you can eat them.

The bottom line is that it takes your brain 20 minutes to get the signal that you're full. The Pistachio Principle may slow your eating down to the point where you can feel that the stomach is full before you tuck into that second helping.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Click here to Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!
And Now Dr Suzanne Gudakunst Going to Show us How to Get Rid of All of It so we Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!!...more

Monday, August 3, 2009

Skin Care

The most critical time period of skincare for the rest of your life takes place in your twenties, when your most important job is to prevent future damage. As you grow older, your job becomes twofold: Continue to prevent future damage and try to undo already existing damage. Botox and LED Light Therapy would fall into the “undo damage” category, so as a woman of your age you do not need to turn to these treatments quite yet. Now, you should concentrate on earning your skin future, especially the skin around the eyes, by taking precautions against the sun 365 days a year, no excuses. Nearly everything that you will ultimately not like about your face comes from the sun—crow’s feet, wrinkles, enlarged pores, red capillaries around the nose and cheeks, dark discolorations, freckles, age spots, lines, wrinkles, and loss of tone. If you start using a broad spectrum UVA/UVB day cream around your eyes and all over the face, every morning of every day of the year—summer, winter, even if it rains—in your twenties, you can literally delay the onset of crow’s feet by more than a decade...more